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Second-Hand Uniform Sales

FOFW collect donations of uniform and run regular second-hand uniform sales throughout the year that offer parents the opportunity to purchase good quality second hand uniform at very reasonable prices and at a fraction of the cost of new uniform, as well as benefiting the environment.


In Person: We aim to hold sales every term – a message will be sent out shortly before each sale confirming the date and time of the sale via class reps. For new parents joining the school in September there will be a sale held towards the end of the Summer term that you will be made aware of.

Online: We have just launched the ability to buy branded items only online via Uniformerly. To do so, please access the website via Under “I’m a Parent” you can register, select “Wandsworth” under “Local Authority” and then set “Floreat Wandsworth” as your school and you will be able to see all the items currently for sale. Items purchased online will be packed by our volunteer team and available to collect from the office by Tuesday the week after purchasing. Note: this is a service new as of May 2024, so if there are any issues, please contact More stock will be added regularly.


Any uniform donations can be dropped into the office at any time. In line with Floreat’s Uniform Policy, only good quality, clean, current uniform will be accepted. Please try to remove all name tags if possible!