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Our Curriculum Vision

At Floreat we start with a simple idea: that education is as much about developing young people’s character strengths and virtues as it is about developing their academic knowledge both through core skills and knowledge learning.
Every parent wants their child to work hard and fulfil their academic and knowledge potential, but they also want them to master character virtues such as learning how to serve others, being perseverant, being creative and developing their leadership and teamwork skills.

Our Vision for 2023-24 and beyond

Oour Approach to Teaching & Learning

The National Curriculum

We will use the Yearly Overiews and Termly Overviews to give all parents a clear indication of what their child is learning at school. Please click on the Year Group pages to find the appropriate links for your child.
'Subject by Subject' section will provide visitors with more information about individual subjects. 



Pupils will master character 

virtues such as bravery, service,

honesty and creativity.


Pupils will have confident

and accomplished skills in English

and Maths as well the

ability to think creatively and critically.


Pupils will have a deep knowledge

and understanding of the world around them.


In September 2023 Floreat Wandsworth Primary joined all GLF primary schools in adopting a GLF Curriculum involving the following subjects:

  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art
  • Design & Technology

This curriculum is clearly mapped out so that children accumulate the skills and knowledge they need so that they are Year 7 ready.

Our teachers will work together with other teachers from within our GLF Cluster of schools to ensure we are sharing resources and expertise. All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 will complete a project for each of the 6 half terms. These projects are based on the following titles:

  • Autumn 1: How can data help us understand the world around us?
  • Autumn 2: How have structures influenced our lives?
  • Spring 1: Can I design and construct a product using my knowledge and understanding of the engineering process?
  • Spring 2: Can I create a piece of art based on a period of history?
  • Summer 1: Can I develop an understanding of the living world around me?
  • Summer 2: Can I explore cultures and celebrations from around the world?

Please click on this link to find out more about our GLF Curriculum.

Staff, curriculum experts, parents, governors and pupils are all given opportunities to express their views on how our curriculum can be even more effective. Please continue to email your feedback to