Welcome to Floreat Wandsworth
Click here to book a school tour!
Please click on the link below to see our end of 2023-24 report.
It includes some fantastic statistics!
Parent and Staff Survey Results 2024 plus End of Year Data Highlights!
We received a fantastic Ofsted Report! Click on the link below:
September 2023 Report
Please phone us on 020 8353 4195 or email the school on office@wandsworth.floreat.org.uk for more information or if you need any advice or support regarding your child - we are here to help!
For October 2024: We have spaces in our school in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 5 (subject to change)
Our latest Ofsted Report - September 2023
Book onto a full School Tour (which includes a tour of the Nursery)
Letter from the Chair of Governors July 2024
Every child at this school will FLOURISH. We want our pupils to develop their character virtues, have fun and be creative and curious.
We do this by closely following our shared vision of supporting pupils to master CORE SKILLS, deepen their KNOWLEDGE of the world and by helping them to reveal CHARACTER.
Parents and carers feel fully involved in the life of the school. Very well-attended family learning sessions support strong liaison between home and school. Parents value being able to find out how to support their child’s learning. The school has very high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. There is a strong emphasis on rewarding positive behaviour. Lessons continue without disruption, and pupils listen to teachers and to each other in class. Around the school, pupils are friendly and polite. Important skills such as turn-taking and listening are developed from Nursery onwards. Pupils at this school are safe, happy and they achieve well. Pupils work hard in lessons. They develop very good habits for learning, which start in the Nursery and Reception classes. The school’s strong focus on character values helps pupils to persevere with tricky work, as well as promoting kindness and consideration for others.
Our Curriculum Vision
Our Approach to Teaching & Learning
A Message from the Headteacher
Find more about GLF Schools (our Trust)
Secondary School Destinations 2022
Secondary School Destinations 2023
Ofsted Parent View Results
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